Eyal Gottlieb15. Jan 2025 10:00h
Leo Kurian28. Jan 2025 16:00h
Jonathan Schmid-Burgk19. Feb 2025 15:30h
4th Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control in Life Processes24. Mar 2025
Martin Wegner awarded with Alumni Doctoral Prize for PhD thesis
‘Easy to handle’ Cereblon – a new tool for drug discovery and molecular glue screening
Ivan Đikić Recognized as Highly Cited Researcher for the 7th Consecutive Year
International collaboration discovers role of ubiquitination and ER phagy in combatting defective splicing
IRGQ-mediated autophagy promotes tumor immune evasion
Bhaskara team discovers how intrinsically disordered regions can remodel cellular membranes
Ivan Đikić receives LOEWE-Spitzenprofessur
Superbugs kill human cells by activating the transcription factors AHR and FOS
4th Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control in Life Processes Registration open!
New insights into specific roles of key kinases in ER-phagy
PROXIDRUGS Cluster4Future funded for a further three years
Crosstalk between GPCR signaling and autophagy pathways elucidated
Ivan Đikić among Top Molecular Biology Scientists 2024 Research.com ranking
Funding decision for Collaborative Research Centre “UbiQancer” (CRC/TRR 387)
Alexandra Stolz appointed as a member of AIM Rising Stars
Targeted protein degradation via intramolecular bivalent glues
Targeting resistant cancers with new therapeutics
Phosphorylation events on ER-phagy receptors orchestrates ER turnover
Uncovering a novel checkpoint of impaired ribosome biogenesis
Christian Münch receives Lichtenberg-Professorship
Dies academicus honoring Pascale Cossart
Successful prolongation of CRC 1177
Christian Münch awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant
Leukemia cells activate a cellular recycling program
Ivan Đikić honored as Highly Cited Researcher 2023
Honorary doctorate to Ivan Đikić
Ines Tomaskovic receives DGfA Annual Meeting Award
Lina Herhaus receives UCT Conference Award
A cytosolic surveillance mechanism orchestrates mitochondria-to-nucleus communication
Sustainable funding for excellent basic research
When the cell digests itself
Alexandra Stolz receives Exploration Grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
How to regenerate acutely damaged lysosomes?
Ivan Đikić receives Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine
Manuel Kaulich selected as Henriette Herz Scout
Poster prize for Anton Altmeyer
Ivan Đikić appointed as EMBO Council Member
Poster prizes for Adriana Covarrubias and Alexis González
Drug development collaboration with Karolinska Institute and SciLifeLab
Third ERC Advanced Grant to Ivan Đikić.
Tumor suppressing mechanism of SUMO deconjugase SENP6 revealed
Münch group develops mitochondrial protein import proteomics
Christian Münch selected as EMBO Young Investigator
Ivan Đikić elected to the Academy of Sciences and Literature
Ivan Đikić selected as one of Highly Cited Researchers 2021
Structure of respiratory complex I resolved at 2.1 Å resolution
INSA Medal for Dr. Santosh Kumar Kuncha
Otto Meyerhof Award 2021 goes to Christian Münch
Famotidine inhibits SARS-CoV-2 signaling
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship for Santosh Kumar Kuncha
PROXIDRUGS successful in Clusters4Future competition
The State of Hesse funds research network on inflammation and infection
Essential role of accessory subunit LYRM6 in the mechanism of mitochondrial complex I.
Scientists call for a Pan-European commitment to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infections
Ivan Đikić honored as Highly Cited Researcher 2020
Christian Münch wins Binder Innovation Prize 2020.
Host cell signaling responses during SARS-CoV-2 infection reveal therapeutic targets.
Double-hit therapeutic strategy against COVID-19
Expanding a toolkit in chemical screening for discovery of novel medicines.
Uncovering links between SUMO signaling and neurodegenerative disease
Münch group describes potential COVID-19 therapies
Tandem Mass Tag research award for Kevin Klann.
“Big Ideas” Essay from Ivan ĐikićWorld Health Day: “Big Ideas” on biomedical challenges.
Münch group describes coronavirus infection & potential therapies.SARS-CoV-2 infection profile and therapeutic strategies.
Bremm group reports: Deubiquitinases (DUBs) are regulated by hydroxylation.
mePROD proteomics enables measurement of acute translational changes.
Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Unit
Frankfurt CRISPR/Cas Screening Center
DFG-funded SFB1177 Autophagy
HMWK-funded Cluster ENABLE
BMBF-funded Cluster4Future PROXIDRUGS