18 Nov 2020 - Ivan Đikić honored as Highly Cited Researcher 2020

Highly Cited Researcher 2020: Ivan Dikic
For the third year in a row, IBC2 Director Ivan Đikić is recognized as one of the pioneers in his field on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers list. His papers rank in the top 1% by citations in the field of “Molecular Biology & Genetics”. In previous years, he was honored for his exceptional performance in the “Molecular Biology & Genetics” and the “Cross-Field” sections.
The highly anticipated annual list identifies pioneers in the respective fields who demonstrated significant and broad influence by publishing multiple highly cited papers during the last decade. Their names are drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index. The papers analyzed were published between 2009 and 2019.
Approximately 6,000 researchers worldwide are named in this years’ list, 345 of them are based in Germany. Besides Ivan Đikić, seven other colleagues from Goethe University have been credited. The global pole position is traditionally taken by Harvard University.