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Dr. Ramachandra M Bhaskara

Ram Bhaskara received his bachelor's degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry from Osmania University, India. He then joined the Integrated Ph.D. program in Biological Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science, India. During this period, he gained research experience in various labs (from field ecology to molecular biophysics). He then joined Prof. N. Srinivasan's group for his Master's and Ph.D. During this period, he developed novel computational tools and analysis schemes to understand the "Structure, Stability, and Evolution of Multi-domain proteins." Ram was honored with the B. H. Iyer Gold Medal for the best doctoral thesis from the Molecular Biophysics Unit (2014). He then began his post-doctoral stint with Prof. Gerhard Hummer at the Max-Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt. Ram worked on diverse membrane remodeling processes: curvature induction, budding, fusion, & poration, primarily using physics-based modeling and simulation approaches. He developed and pioneered novel simulation methods to model dynamic processes inaccessible to experiments. Ram moved to the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University, in September 2020 as a team leader for Computational Cell Biology to work on Data integration problems, modeling, and simulations of complex systems. He is interested in understanding biophysical mechanisms shaping the complex cellular architecture at various scales. His research focuses on developing computational tools to analyze and decipher molecular mechanisms.

Dr. Ramachandra M Bhaskara
Institute of Biochemistry II
University Hospital Frankfurt
Goethe University
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 / Building 75
60590 Frankfurt am Main