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Conferences and Workshops

Conferences and Workshops
Workshop: Mapping the Landscape of Genetic Dependencies in Cancer

28. May 2021



Virtual Lecture

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to invite you to the virtual workshop on “Mapping the Landscape of Genetic Dependencies in Cancer” to be held on May 28th, 2021.

Knowing the landscape of genetic vulnerabilities across cancer types is important for a deeper understanding of cancer biology, the discovery of new targets for drug development, overcoming treatment resistance and tailoring therapies to specific mutational contexts for precision medicine. The development of comprehensive and tumor-specific maps of genetic dependencies will require international efforts and coordination, not unlike international cancer genome sequencing projects in the past decade. Our workshop “Mapping the Landscape of Genetic Dependencies in Cancer” aims to discuss state-of the art technological, experimental, and computational advances for the large-scale discovery of genetic dependencies in cancer. 

We have an exceptional line-up of speakers with Matthew Garnett (Sanger Institute), Jesse Boehm (Broad Institute) and Francisca Vazquez (Broad Institute), Jolanda van Leeuwen (EPFL) and Max Billmann (Univ. of Minnesota) and several early career scientists who will present on recent developments to map genetic dependencies at scale, including advances in genome-editing technologies, the creation of new cancer models and high-throughput functional genomics. The Workshop also will provide ample time for discussions with the invited speakers and among the participants. 

The Workshop will be held online via Zoom and is free of charge. To participate, please register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OYWhATxxS8ihFoIXiiVWFw

We very much appreciate it if you could forward the attached announcement to interested colleagues. We very much look forward to welcoming you on May 28th. 

Best regards,
Michael Boutros (Heidelberg), Manuel Kaulich (Frankfurt), Roland Rad (Munich)