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Conferences and Workshops

Conferences and Workshops
Simon Wilkinson
Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre
MRC Institute of Genetics & Cancer
The University of Edinburgh, UK

03. May 2023 17:00h


GU Frankfurt - Uniklinik
Haus 22, Hörsaal 2

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Simon Wilkinson Lab
3rd Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control in Life Processes

04. Oct 2022


October 4-7, 2022 
Campus Westend
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

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3rd Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control in Life Processes

The 3rd Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control in Life Processes,
organized by SFB1177 and ENABLE, is taking place October 3-7,2022 at Goethe University Frankfurt.  
The meeting brings scientists on all career stages together to discuss mechanisms of cellular homeostasis
and their impact on pathogenesis of major human diseases.
This year’s Conference features interdisciplinary sessions that cover topics
including immunity and quality control, regulatory events and the interplay between autophagy, ubiquitin and proteostasis.

More information can be found here: www.FCQC.de

Jürgen Götz
Queensland Brain Institute,
The University of Queensland,

24. Aug 2022 17:00h


University Hospital Frankfurt,
Building 23,
Lecture Hall 4

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Friederike Zunke
University Hospital Erlangen, Germany

09. Feb 2022 16:00h

Location: to be announced

Prof. Dr. Harald Schwalbe
Institute for Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (BMRZ)
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt

27. Oct 2021 16:00h


UKF, Hörsal 23-3, Haus 23

The research in our group is focused on the development and application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study biomacromolecules. Our focus is to contribute to a molecular understanding of the fundamental mechanism of biomacromolecules. We investigate proteins - soluble proteins and membrane proteins. We investigate RNAs and RNA-protein complexes and unusual DNA structures.

Particular emphasis is on time-resolved NMR experiments; we induce protein, DNA- or RNA-folding by light from compounds that are caged in one (of several) conformations by photolabile protecting groups or natural light-absorbing chromophores. Some of these caged molecules are synthesized in the lab. A different way of inducing biomacromolecular folding is by temperature jump; thus we have developed T-jump probes to do these kinds of experiments.

We also investigate proteins structures to contribute to rational drug discovery and support our mechanistic studies by chemical synthesis.